Slide Gadens
Breach Manager
Gadens Breach Manager protects financial services firms and their executives from risk of liability when it comes to mandatory regulatory reporting, streamlining multiple complex regimes into one effective, cost-controlled online platform. Contact our financial services regulatory experts using this form for more information or to book an obligation-free demo. Contact us
Slide More information Contact our financial services regulatory experts using this form for more information or to book an obligation-free demo. Seven new or newly significant mandatory reporting regimes which require the rapid declaration of potential regulatory breaches are now leaving financial services firms and their executives personally at increased risk of serious legal consequences, including fines and disqualification.
  • From October 2021, there will be at least seven different mandatory reporting regimes enforcing the rapid reporting of potential regulatory breaches by Australian financial services firms.
  • They include potential breaches of broad-based obligations e.g. 'fairness' under ASIC and APRA licences, anti-money laundering obligations, privacy data requirements, the 'Financial Accountability Regime' and 'Design & Distribution' regime.
  • Determining whether there has been a breach usually involves specialist legal judgment across a range of complex regulatory regimes, with ever changing regulator guidance, which must occur within very strict timeframes.
  • Failure to adhere to these requirements and timeframes may result in significant legal consequences — these include large fines and personal liability for those involved.
  • Managing the volume of information and complexity of these sensitive, overlapping high-risk issues has become a key concern for financial services organisations who already struggle to meet these stringent demands.

Slide Contact our financial services regulatory experts using this form for more information or to book an obligation-free demo. More information Gadens Breach Manager allows financial services firms to outsource the risk of liability and resourcing constraints to facilitate efficient, defensible and cost-capped compliance with all mandatory reporting regimes across the sector.
  • The first cloud-based application of its kind, Gadens Breach Manager enables Australian financial services firms to intelligently streamline all potential regulatory breaches — from AFSL / ACL obligations to anti-money laundering to data breaches — to one simple, online platform.
  • By logging into the user-friendly desktop portal, users can quickly enter details of a suspected breach into an intuitive questionnaire with pre-filled data based on the regulations / legislation, and upload supporting information for prompt review and advice and draft breach report (if needed) by a member of Gadens’ expert regulatory team - all within statutory timeframes. With automatic reports generation, audit logging and SMS reminders our clients have complete control.
  • The platform is designed to be exceptionally cost-effective, with authorised users able to assign potential breach workflows internally at no cost i.e. to legal counsel or compliance or to Gadens for a low fixed-fee, and is protected from a cyber (the platform is ISO 27001 certified), server and legal privilege standpoint. Some of our major clients are also modifying it for their internal needs e.g. to respond to industry codes.
Slide More information Contact us Gadens is a market leader in digital transformation in the legal profession, developing digital and RegTech solutions that are intuitive, practical and supported by the experts within the Gadens' specialist regulatory team.
  • Gadens is driving the RegTech legal market, bringing technological solutions to its clients who are coming to grips with a new normal – increased regulation, hawkish regulators and mushrooming information to sift.
  • The Gadens Breach Manager complements our existing proprietary technologies and solutions, including:
    • Gadens Portfolio Solutions (GPS) used by major banks and other lenders, which is a suite of online business-to-business programs, legal analysis and management tools that offer a new generation method of conducting and managing high-volumes of transactions (including with API integration).
    • Gadens' Relativity / Ringtail document review platform offering, powered by BDO, which enables us to offer managed reviews to our clients using algorithmic 'technology assisted review' and other bespoke analytics which reduces lawyer review time.
    • Gadens' electronic signing and e-contract technology solution implemented during COVID-19 for our key clients.
Our legal experts are always here to help.